Stock market investment1) stock market investment. You must Determine how much you want to invest in stocks. One should never invest money that you not because this is very risky. So you should never invest the money we need to pay for rent, food or other essential expenses. We must invest the money that is left of your economy and you want to increase its performance. 2) stock market investment. You need to practice before investing in stocks. A virtual simulator allows you to practice and learn to invest in stocks in complete safety. It is best to practice with a simulator 2-3 months before you start to invest in stocks. Invest in stocks with technical analysis is like cycling, you should practice this before becoming good. 3) stock market investment. Why use technical analysis to invest. Technical analysis is based on supply and demand. So a title still continue to rise for as longtemp that demand for purchase the company is greater than the supply. Using technical analysis we make sure to never stay in a title that goes down 50 %, 100% or down to zero. If technical analysis is used to invest, you should never keep a title downtrend in its portfolio. 4) stock market investment. You must choose an investment strategy. Here are some example of investment strategy: 1) a strategy "high risk" is to buy a title uptrend that has a bullish momentum. If the stock gained 10 %, 20% of the shares purchased are sold, if the stock rises 20% on selling another 20% of the shares purchased and sold the remaining shares only if the upward trend is bearish. 2) a strategy "medium risk" is to buy a title uptrend that has a bullish momentum. If the stock gained 10 %, 30% of the shares purchased are sold, if the stock rises 20% on selling another 30% of the shares purchased and sold the remaining shares only if the upward trend is bearish. 3) a "conservative" strategy is to buy a title uptrend that has a bullish momentum. If the stock gained 10%, we sell 50% of shares purchased, if the stock rises 20% on selling another 30% of the shares purchased and sold the remaining shares only if the upward trend is bearish. If the title loses 10 %, we sell 50% of shares purchased. If the title loses 15 % is sold the remaining shares. 4) a "conservative" strategy is to buy a title uptrend that has a bullish momentum. If the stock gained 10%, we sell 50% of shares purchased, if the stock rises 20% on selling another 30% of the shares purchased and sold the remaining shares only if the upward trend is bearish. If the title loses 10 %, we sell all shares purchased. |